Thursday, May 14, 2020

Porn and Prose Essay - 1679 Words

Porn and Prose Pornography has the ability to stay current with each technological breakthrough while pushing the borders of what we deem as â€Å"acceptable† in reading and writing. In, Writing Material: Readings from Plato to the Digital Age by Tribble and Trubek, an article by Gopnick notes the death of the â€Å"word† before its technological resurgence. â€Å"Each new medium was more visually and sensually rich that the last: movies gave way to talking movies, which gave way to color talking movies, which gave way to round-the-clock talking color television. In that context, words just hung around looking glum, with hardly enough energy left to compose themselves into sentences†(180). Gopnick then discuses the â€Å"revolution† of the Internet†¦show more content†¦The availability and widespread usage of Internet porn has made these mediums more accepted than in the past. While Playboy was once considered a novelty in the risquà ©, it is now conside red tame compared to the material found on the World Wide Web. Playboy is also known for its articles and political satire. The common joke is that men only subscribe to Playboy â€Å"for the articles†, but more often than not, men are reading those articles. You can’t say that for most of the porn found on the web. Reading has a history of association with sensuality. In â€Å"On Women and Reading†, from Tribble and Trubek, there is a painting of an elegant woman reading in a chair. The painting is whimsical in nature and depicts an enjoyment of the literature. She is fully clothed and without an erotic pose, but the softness of the painting coupled with the casual lounging with her book is somehow sensual. â€Å"Novels were regarded with considerable suspicion by the respectable, especially the ‘godly’, who feared that female novel readers would become idle, sexually aroused, or obsessed with a fantasy world† (Tribble and Trubek 338). This fear was in the context of reading, but today, with the popularity of Internet writing and publishing; women have found their own place in pornographic text. Sven Birkerts discusess the phenomenon of the waning of the private self and writes, For some decades nowShow MoreRelatedThe Reasons For And Against Making Pornography Illegal1560 Words   |  7 Pagesreasons for and against making pornography illegal.† â€Å"The only thing pornography is known to cause directly is the solitary act of masturbation. As for corruption, the only immediate victim is english prose† - Gore Vidal. There are many reasons for or against the ban on pornography, some argue that porn is addictive, creates unrealistic expectations of sex and additionally may lead to a more demoralizing or violent nature towards woman. On the contrary, in regards to the previously sated quote, GoreRead MorePornography In The Media1532 Words   |  7 Pagesinclude live exhibitions like sex shows and striptease. The primary subjects of present-day pornographic depictions are pornographic models, who pose for still photographs, and pornographic actors or porn stars, who perform in pornographic films. If dramatic skills are not involved, a performer in a porn film may also be called a model. Various groups within society have considered depictions of a sexual nature immoral, addictive, and noxious, labeling them pornographic, and attempting to have themRead MoreAnalysis Of The Children Of Men 1718 Words   |  7 Pagesprevious ages with a kind of wonder†. (James, 116) Indeed, it appears that though it can occur, eros of a non-sexual type is a difficult find in a world where sex has become devalued, where the state has installed in the public governmentally sanctioned porn shops in a futile attempt to promote sex in the hope that someone may somehow become miraculously impregnated. An exemplary model of this rarity of romantic love in an infertile world is found in the marriage between Helena and Rupert, one in whichRead MoreAnalysis Of Alexie s Poem Alexie 2924 Words   |  12 Pageswe learn that Corliss was living what many see as the stereotypical Native American life: â€Å"a poor kid, and a middle-class Indian, she seemed destined for a minimum-wage life o f waiting tables or changing oil† (Alexie, 5). Then we’re treated to the prose version of â€Å"Part of Your World† and â€Å"Let It Go† and every other Disney Princess â€Å"Get Me The Hell Out of this Provincial Life† aria: â€Å"But she had wanted a maximum life, and original aboriginal life† (Alexie, 5). We see a slightly clichà ©, but nonethelessRead MoreWomen as Commodity8915 Words   |  36 Pagestolerant of sexuality and more specific legal definitions of obscenity, an industry for the  production  and consumption  of pornography arose in the latter half of the 20th century. The introduction of  home video  and the  Internet  saw booms in a worldwide porn industry that generates billions of dollars annually. History Depictions of a sexual nature are older than civilization as depictions such as the  venus figurines  and  rock art  have existed since  prehistoric  times.However the concept of pornographyRead MoreWomen as Commodity8899 Words   |  36 Pagestolerant of sexuality and more specific legal definitions of obscenity, an industry for the  production  and consumption  of pornography arose in the latter half of the 20th century. The introduction of  home video  and the  Internet  saw booms in a worldwide porn industry that generates billions of dollars annually. History Depictions of a sexual nature are older than civilization as depictions such as the  venus figurines  and  rock art  have existed since  prehistoric  times.However the concept of pornographyRead MoreEssay on Gender Inequality in the Song of Songs5212 Words   |  21 Pages13-16. To Fox, the language of the speakers also suggests emotional youth (Fox xii). Scholars have also debated as to whether the Song is even poetry at all. The Mosoretic text of 1008 c.e., the Hebrew source most interpreters use, looks like prose. The Song includes little punctuation, no stanzas, and no lines. However, Falk asserts that when the text is spoken, the rhythms of verse are obvious. She contends that the Song was probably first popular oral literature (Falk, Love 67 and Songs xv)

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